Ice King is one of the main characters of the animated TV series Adventure Time. He was the main villain of the series, hilariously always trying to kidnap Princess Bubblegum. The Ice King was a normal human being before. His real name is Simon Petrikov. He used to have a goal of becoming an antique before turning into the Ice King.
Simon became the Ice King after wearing a crown he purchased from a dock worker in Northern Scandinavia. As the Ice King, Simon’s appearance changed. His skin is blue due to the cold temperature of his body, and his hair and eyes have turned white. He also has a pointy nose, and he has a short-tempered and disagreeable personality. Despite this personality and appearance, a lot of people consider Ice King as the best character in Adventure Time. This article is an Ice King costume tutorial.
Adventure Time - Ice King Cosplay Guide

1. Ice King Coat Check Price
2. Long Nose Check Price
3. Ice King Gold Crown Check Price
4. Ice King Wig and Beard Check Price
5. Blue Body Paint Check Price
6. Ice King Jewelry Check Price
7. Ice King Plush Doll Check Price
8. Full Ice King Costume Check Price
The Best Ice King of Adventure Time Cosplay Ideas
When you see Ice King for the first time, you would think he is just a hilarious character that has ice powers and wears a crown. But in reality, he is a character that has a lot of depth, especially as the series progresses further into more seasons. That’s also why a lot of people consider him as the series’ best character.
This cosplay guide will feature Ice King’s full costume. It consists of a blue full-body robe, a crown, and a long pointy nose for Ice King’s iconic pointy nose. The set will also come with a long white wig with a long white beard for the character’s hairstyle and facial hair. The costume is completed with a jewel prop placed on the crown ad a blue body paint for Ice King’s blue skin. The Ice King cosplay set will also come with an Ice King plush doll.
About Ice King Costume
Ice King is a rude, short-tempered person that can’t get along with everyone. This sort of personality matches his appearance well, which is an all-blue looking, making for a cold character. However, his all-blue look took a different meaning after Ice King’s backstory, as well as the reasons for his personality is revealed.
The blue look became the color of sadness instead of cold because the character is lonely, which is why he was always angry. His more in-depth story is the reason people suddenly finds Ice King intriguing. It makes him an excellent option to dress up as for comic conventions or costume parties. If you look at the Ice King cosplay photos, you can see that dressing up like him is a good costume idea, not only for men but also for women as well.
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