Steve is one of the main characters of the animated preschool TV series Blue’s Clues. He is the original host of the show and the caregiver of the protagonist of the show, animated female puppy Blue. As the caregiver and host of the show, Steve interprets to the audience what Blue communicates. They search the house for clues to know what Blue wants to do.
The show was popular with kids, especially when Steve was the one hosting it. His enthusiasm for finding Blue’s clues is contagious, which is why kids love the show. As one of the popular characters in the series, next to Blue, Steve is also a good cosplay option. This article is a Steve cosplay guide.
Blue’s Clues | Steve Cosplay Tutorial

1. Steve Blues Clues Shirt Check Price
2. Light Brown Khaki Pants Check Price
3. Blue Blues Clues Toys Check Price
4. Black Leather Shoes Check Price
5. Black Belt Check Price
6. Dandy Notebook with Crayons Check Price
The Best Steve from Blue’s Clues Cosplay Ideas
Steve doesn’t wear any other outfit during his appearances on Blue’s Clues. The character hosted the animated series for 100 out of the 143 episodes. In each episode, he only wears one type of outfit, with an occasional yellow raincoat and green scarf added. This guide will feature the outfit that Steve always wears in Blue’s Clues.
It consists of a green long-sleeved sweater with white stripes and a white-collar. This outfit is very iconic since fans of the animated series will instantly recognize Steve because of his green striped famous with a collar. The cosplay set will also come with light brown khaki pants, a black leather belt, and a pair of black leather shoes. The cosplay set is completed with a Blue doll to represent Steve’s animated puppy pet and the Handy Dandy Notebook prop that Steve uses to write Blue’s clues. The notebook comes complete with crayons for writing.
About Steve Blues Clues Costume
Though Blue is the main protagonist of the series, there’s a serious argument that Steve is the series’ most famous character. Not only does he do all of the talking, but he’s also the one who encourages the audience to participate and join him in searching for Blue’s clues to know what she is trying to tell them. But the main draw that Steve has on the audience is his overall enthusiasm since the way he showcases how excited he is to find the clues that Blue laid out, makes audiences excited as well.
That is why Steve is always the host of Blue’s Clues to most people, even if there are already new hosts for the show. That is also why when it comes to cosplaying characters from the series, Steve is the happy option. If you look at the Blues Clues cosplay photos, you can see that Steve is an excellent character to dress up as. His appearance is a great cosplay option for costume parties or if you’re going to comic or TV conventions.
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