Sub-Zero is a character of the Mortal Kombat video game franchise. He is one of the original characters to come out when the game was first released. Sub-Zero is one of the few roles who made an appearance in all of the main Mortal Kombat fighting game. He is also the only character in the franchise to appear in every iteration of the video game. Bi-Han originally appeared as Sub-Zero in the first Mortal Kombat game. But he was killed after the events of the first Mortal Kombat. His younger brother, Kuai Liang, now uses the Sub-Zero title.
Sub-Zero is undoubtedly one of the most popular characters in the franchise, together with Scorpion due to their appearance in almost all of the game’s iteration and their rivalry. This article is a Sub-Zero cosplay tutorial.
Mortal Kombat - Sub-Zero Cosplay Guide

1. Sub-Zero MK 2011 Costume Check Price
2. Sub-Zero Mortal Kombat 2 Costume Check Price
3. Sub-Zero Cryomancer Costume Check Price
4. Sub-Zero Sword Check Price
5. Ice Sword Check Price
6. Black Combat Boots Check Price
The Best Sub-Zero of Mortal Kombat Cosplay Ideas
Since Sub-Zero is present in all of the game the franchise came out with, he has already worn various costumes. This guide will feature the three costumes of Sub-Zero.
The first one is the costume he wore in Mortal Kombat 11, which is an all-black full-body sleeveless ninja with blue ninja armor vest that contains a dragon medallion on each side of the chest. It also has a full head hear and blue mask, along with a pair of armbands, leg bands, and a belt. The second costume is the original costume, which he wore in Mortal Kombat 2. It consists of a full-body black ninja outfit with the blue vest and blue mask. It also comes with blue shin-guard clothing and armbands.
The third outfit is the Cryomancer costume, which consists of an all-black full-body ninja outfit, the blue ninja vest that has the dragon medallion on the right side of the chest, and a full head mask. It also comes with a gauntlet and upper arm bands. The set is completed with two swords, one is an ice sword, and a pair of black combat boots.
About Sub-Zero Costume
Nintendo even came out with a poll to decide who is the most popular between the two, with Scorpion edging out Sub Zero 52% to 48%. Sub-Zero is probably the Mortal Kombat character that has a lot of costume variations. That’s because he is the only one that appeared in the alliteration of the video game, including the ones not part of the main video game series. It gives people a lot of different options when it comes to cosplaying Sub-Zero, which is a good thing since he is one of the most popular Mortal Kombat characters.
And it is not only men who would like to dress up as this character, as there are also women who would love to look like this ice-manipulating warrior. If you look at the Sub-Zero cosplay photos, you can see that the appearance would look impressive to anyone who decides to dress up like him, regardless if they are a man or a woman.
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