Static Shock is an animated series, based on DC Comic’s superhero called Static. The superhero’s civilian identity is high school student Virgil Ovid Hawkins. He gained his electromagnetic powers after he…
Riot Games released the multiplayer online battle arena League of Legends in 2009. Players will play the role of summoner and control champion that has unique skills, powers, and abilities. The…
The Sailor Moon anime and manga series of the 90s showcased mostly female superheroes called the Sailor Warriors. But the series has a male superhero character Tuxedo Mask. This article will…
The Sailor Moon anime and manga series of the 90s was a popular series due to the different attractive young ladies known as Sailor Warriors to protect the Earth from evil. One…
Princess Mononoke is a Japanese animated movie that was released in 1997 in Japan and 1999 in the U.S. It is a fantasy war film, approximately, in the years 1336 to…
The main storyline of the Sailor Moon anime and manga series of the 90s focused on Sailor Moon and the other members of the five Inner Sailor Warriors. But series has…
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a manga series that came out in Japan in 1987. The series talks about the story of the Joestar family, where various members discover they possess powers…
The main storyline of Sailor Moon focuses on the main character, Sailor Moon, and her Inner Sailor Warriors, namely Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupiter. But they are not…
Sailor Moon is a popular anime and manga series during the mid-90s that centers on a young middle-school girl named Tsukino Usagi. She was living a normal life before discovering that…
When you think of the Sailor Moon series, you usually think of the five Inner Sailor Warriors, namely Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupiter. But there…