My Hero Academia is a popular manga and anime series that is about superheroes. It is set in a world where superpowers are normal because of quirks. It is a special…
One of the most popular and well-received anime series is Death Note. It follows the story of a brilliant and intelligent high school student named Light Yagami who stumbled upon a…
Kill la Kill is a Japanese anime TV series that aired in 2013. It focuses on the story Ryuko Matoi, a nomadic high school girl who transferred to Honnouji Academy and…
RWBY is an American anime web series that was released in 2013. It is set in a fantasy world called Remnant where people battle against monsters called Grimm. Starting out young,…
When it comes to cosplay characters of Sword Art Online, Kirito Kirigaya and Asuna Yuuki are probably the two characters that would come to mind. And why not, considering they are…
Sword Art Online (SAO) is a popular anime series that aired in 2012. One of the main characters of the series is Asuna Yuuki. She uses a type of sword that…
One of the most popular anime to hit television in 2016 was Yuri!!! On ICE. It centered on the main character Yuri Katsuki, a figure ice skater who had a crushing…