Saitama is the main protagonist of the hit anime and manga series One-Punch Man. It’s a superhero series that focuses on the life of Saitama, an overpowered superhero who usually finishes…
Obito Uchiha is one of the characters of the Naruto anime and manga series. He is a member of the Uchiha clan and is teammates with Kakashi Hatake and Rin Nohora.…
King Triton is one of the main characters in the classic Disney animated movie The Little Mermaid. He is the ruler of the undersea kingdom of Atlantica and the overprotective father…
League of Legends is a favorite online multiplayer game that lets gamers play the role of summoner and control champions to battle other champions. The game has close to 150 heroes…
NieR Automata is a role-playing action game that Square Enix published in 2017. The players will be taking control of combat androids from the YoRHa units to fight enemies in real-time…
Futurama is an animated sitcom that Matt Groening created for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The sitcom was set at the turn of the 31st century in a city called New New…
Tokyo Ghoul is a dark fantasy manga series that came out in 2011 and was adapted into an anime series in 2014. It is a world where ghouls exist and live…
BoJack Horseman is an animated adult sitcom series that premiered in 2014 on Netflix. The animated series takes place in an alternate world where humans live side by side with tailless…
My Hero Academia is one of the favorite anime and manga series today. It’s a series about superheroes in a world where it’s normal for people to have superpowers because of…
Mojo Jojo is a supervillain in the animated series Powerpuff Girls, which began airing on Cartoon Network in the late 90s. He is a genius mad scientist and is always plotting…